Ep 60: 5 Habits Of Financially Effective People – Avoiding Emotional Financial Decisions

The best investors are able to put their emotions aside and make smart, financial decisions. This can be difficult for many people to do because our emotions tend to make us reactive and impulsive. Financial advisors find themselves talking people down from jumping out of the stock market, or buying something they cannot afford. Brad and Taylor will discuss the importance of letting your logic lead the way and some of the emotional decisions they’ve had to talk their clients out of.

The Retirement Answer Man Podcast: https://bit.ly/3qmMIkL

Your Early Retirement Map: https://mailchi.mp/fikeadvisors/your-early-retirement-map


Ep 61: 5 Habits Of Financially Effective People – Buy Low & Sell High


Ep 59: 5 Habits of Financially Effective People – Regularly Consider Risk and Reward